Rosie Dee In Gay Paree...
If these hallowed golden pages of yore seem devoid of glamour and glitz lately folks it's mainly because our talisman, nay our raison d'etre, Rosanna Davison has been off sunning her shapely derriere on the beaches on Mauritius for Christmas and now she's over in France at that Paris Fashion Week. Sacre bleu, aint it well for some...
Rosanna Davison |
A strict rule of thumb we stick to at is (or our soupe du jour for all you Frenchophiles) - if Rosie Davison aint somewhere in the mix on our front page then we're not doing our job right. Let's face it folks - love her or hate her - we're all just a wee bit envious of her jet-setting privileged life style. We're all a bunch of piebald pikies in comparison. De bleedin' duuurt of us.
Rosanna Davison with Inna Zobova and Beatrice Rosen |
Anyhoo... We managed to track down Miss Davison at Paris Fashion Week this week hanging out with Inna Zobova and Beatrice Rosen (as you do) at the Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2010 show... Knowing our Rosie she probably picked-up a few fancy dresses at the Gay Paree event, only thing is, there aint that many places in Dublin to wear such fine gownery apart from Krystle of a Saturday night. As a Nation, we're just not worthy.