New Year. Same Aul Faces...
Did you feel it folks? Well did you?? That overwhelming sense of optimism and hope that the New Year 2011 would bring about a whole other outlook on life and avenues before unexplored would soon blossom forth etcetera? Then you wake up following morning with a banging hangover, no memory of how you got home and why the hell is there an uneaten donor kebab sticking out of your shoe...
Rozanna Purcell & Ollie |
Okay. It's like this. We want to completely ban New Years Eve. Why you say? Well, ever since the millennium whimpered out with a barely audible fart, there hasn't been a decent NYE party anywhere in Ireland. Like, there's all that built-up expectation, but then it just turns-out to be a little bit, well, pants.
Rozanna Purcell |
And to be honest, Dublin used to be the kicking-ist place on the planet to be of a New Years Eve, but lately it's become a complete anti-climax... And then some. For back in the day, clubbers would be already in the clubs come midnight and ready to raise the roof... Which was usually, as the song says, on fire at that stage.
Gareth Gunnigle, Eddie Irvine, Michele McGrath |
These days the party hasn't really got going on the stroke of twelve so you just don't get that overwhelming emotional outburst of unabashed snogging and hugging as was once the norm... You would be amazed the amount of strangers you can french-kiss between 12.00 and 12.01. Our record is nine.
Michele McGrath |
Anyways, this year we dispatched our snappers to pick up the general vibe around the Dublin clubs at midnight, but sadly, most party peeps were only starting to make their ways to top destinations like Lillies, Krystle, and Bucks at that time. The real partying happened much later. At least we hope it did.
Karena Graham |
This year we snapped Miss Universe Ireland Rozanna Purcell posing with a much older man outside Lillies Bordello. At first we thought her new BFF was in fact Donald Trump until he gave his name as merely "Ollie". Awww, we think they'd make a great couple.
Hayley Ryan |
Over at Bucks, former partyboy and F1 ace Eddie Irvine turned-up at the club with another man partial to a nite-out, Gareth Gunnigle. Of course, our fav hostess and panto queen Michele McGrath was on hand to usher them down the redcarpet and into the VIP area. O. Yes. She. Did.
Miriam Matabaro |
Other sexier than sexy guests at Buck Whaleys included: Hayley Ryan, Miriam Matabaro, Karena Graham, Nas Ghaedi, and quite a few more...
Nas Ghaedi |
So there you have it folks. NYE 2010 came and went with a whimper instead of a bang. Same aul faces, not much new going on. If 2011 doesn't do any better we're gonna embargo the whole New Years thing altogether. As if the Christmas cabin-fever wasn't bad enough...
Rozanna Purcell |
Oh. Before we forget... HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!
Rozanna Purcell & Ollie |