Linda Martin. Walks Dog. Pink Dressing Gown. Temple Bar. What?
As normal is you like, we spotted former Eurovision winner Linda Martin wearing a bright pink dressing gown whilst walking her wee doggie in Temple Bar last night. Okaaay. Well, it's not very often someone out-weirds the eccentric Jedward twins...
Linda Martin & dog |
We're still amidst the panto season folks. Oh yes we are - night after night there are crowds of young girls outside The Olympia stage door trying to get a glimpse of the Jedward twins who are currently starring in 'Cinderella' at the historic Dublin venue...
Linda Martin & dog |
Expecting the spiky haired twins to burst out the door at any minute to pose with their legion of fans, we were quite taken aback when their co-star Linda Martin suddenly appeared wearing nothing more than her stage make-up and a bright pink dressing gown whilst walking her wee doggie down by The Olympia's side laneway. Huh?
Nicky Byrne & son |
It was a surreal and strange sight people, but when your doggie has to go...... We also spotted Westlife's Nicky Byrne with his wife Georgina and their twin sons Rocco and Jay (future Jedwards?) at The Olympia panto last night.
Georgina Byrne & son |
Annnd the Jedward boys didn't let us down either folks. Like clockwork they appeared at the stage door, before the curtain went up, and posed with fans and jumped around like they usually do... Linda Martin, Jedward, and Westlife... Only in Dublin.
Jedward & fans |
Jedward are still appearing in Cinderella at The Olympia but we think all tickets are sold out for the foreseeable... But hang around the stage door - you never know what you will see.
Jedward & fans |
Linda Martin & dog |