O Dear. Cindy's Baaack...
Remember Cindy from Eastenders folks? We do, and she scares the bejasus out of us in a Glenn Close standing at the stove boiling rabbit kinda way. Gulp. Michelle Collins was in Dublin yesterday looking uber fit just short of 50...
Michelle Collins |
As a character from the BBC’s Eastenders soap - Cindy has to go down as one of the most memorable... for all the wrong reasons. Nasty piece of work. Although in fairness to her, she did give that smarmy Ian Beale fecker his just desserts.
Michelle Collins |
In real life Cindy is hot 49-year-old British actress Michelle Collins and we caught up with her yesterday out at RTE where she charmed Daithi and Claire on The Daily Show... We're hoping, nay praying, that Mr. O'Se will be her next victim... For no other reason than those darn shirts he wears... Grrrr.
Michelle Collins |