Bono Takes World Bank To Tea...
We caught up with our favourite rock superstar last weekend out supping in Dublin folks. Yup. Our boy Bono brought the missus and the Managing Director of the World Bank out for a bite on The Green, as one does, of a Saturday night...
Ali Hewson, Ngozo Okonjo-Iweala, Bono |
That wee Bono fella sure likes to hobnob doesn't he folks? Like, even when he's home he doesn't hardly go for the morning papers without Nelson Mandella and Aung San Suu Kyi along to carry the milk and bread for the brekki. It's just how he rolls baby.
Ali Hewson, Bono |
Last Saturday night we copped Mr. U2 leaving the Cliff Town House on St Stephen's Green with his lovely wife Ali and Ngozo Okonjo-Iweala - Managing Director of The World Bank and the former Nigerian Minister of Finance... Trumps Brian Cowen getting 18 holes-in with Seanie Fitz any day...
Bono |
Saying that, we have no idear why Bono was chewing the cud with the Managing Director of The World Bank nor any idear what The World Bank actually is or what it does... But it sounds important and well impressive, so hopefully Sir Paul of Hewson put in a good word in for us impoverished Irish folk with Ngozo... We're good for it, we swear. Ask anyone...
Ali Hewson, Ngozo Okonjo-Iweala, Bono |
After their big nosh-up on the town, Bono and Ali skipped arm in arm to the nearby Residence club... Awww teenagers in love. Does your heart proud, doesn't it folks?
Ali Hewson, Bono |