Cici Plays Some Syc Choons...
Fade Street may have got the Gooseberry for Worst TV Show in the Universe loike EVER, but there is no doubt that the leading lights of the sur-reality show are quite in demand of late. We caught up with DJ Cici & Dani from the schticks at The Sycamore last weekend...
Cici Cavanagh |
There are those of you out there throwing your eyes to heaven at the thought of yet another celeb type picking up the decks and knocking out a few tunes for a fee as a guest DJ in some club or another. But it turns out that our Cici Cavanagh has been an Electro Funk (youwhatnow?) disc jockey for some years... Wrecking the gaff. Apparently.
Cici Cavanagh |
Yup. Long before model Vogue Williams decided to get the party started aloft in nightclub control boxes, wee Cavo was doing big sets about the town. So it was no wonder she looked right comfy behind the decks in the Sycamore Club a few days back... She's adamant she's a proper card carrying member of the club DJ fraternity. So all you plastics can do one etc...
Cici Cavanagh, Dani Robinson |
Supported by her Fade Street co-star Dani Robinson and a couple of the FS support castees such as Shane Guerrine, Keith Kenny, and Andre Mantout - Cici entertained the VIPs with a fag in her gob and a drink in her hand throughout the night. Very Shane MacGowan indeed. But with nicer eyebrows.
Shane Guerrine, Dani Robinson |
Other guests we snapped on the night included Agnieszka Posmyk, Dominika Pres, Izabela Chudzicka, and that fella off that thing we can't quite remember Breffny Morgan. What a guy.
Keith Kenny, Dani Robinson, Andre Mantout |
Earlier in the night Cici bravely showed her face at The Sugar Club where Fade Street was awarded with the Worst TV Show plaudit. In fairness to the Faders, it's kinda starting to grow on us now that angry Paul from the country has been phased out. Charming lad that he was.
Breffny Morgan, Cici Cavanagh |
So there you have it folks, things may be quiet on the ShowBiz front and the country is sliding deeper down the shitter each day, but there's still a good night to be had out in Dublin. If you look hard enough... Build it and they will come.
Agnieszka Posmyk |
Dominika Pres |
Izabela Chudzicka |
Dani Robinson |
Cici Cavanagh |