2012 The Year Of The Beard...
It sure was a long drawn-out Festive Season folks and now we're smack bang into 2012. And if we're to believe The Mayan Calendar, and we all do, there aint gonna be a 2013. Grand, we love an aul apocalypse. And sure armageddon makes real men like Damien Rice, Glen Hansard, and Bono grow beards...
Damien Rice |
If you didn't already know dear readers, the end of the world is nigh. Again! Jeez would it just get here already? Christmas be boring as bejasus. We can't face another one... Those Mayans were totally on to something. Santy sucks.
Bono, Glen Hansard |
And if all the planetary alignments on December 21, 2012 and the arrival of ghost world Nibiru weren't enough proof of The End, then the sudden upsurge in men with big beards surely is? Like, Damien Rice looks like Jesus these days, while Glen Hansard is like a ginger twin for Moses. Nuff said. All the proof we need.
Glen Hansard |
Yup. It suddenly dawned on us while watching the likes of Bono, Damien Rice, Glen Hansard, Damien Dempsey, Mundy, Liam O'Maonlai, Declan O'Rourke and more performing their annual Grafton Street Xmas Eve busking thingy in aid of the Simon Community & Peter McVerry Trust. A lot of Biblical looking dudes there... Omen? Totally.
Damien Rice, Glen Hansard |
Ok. So maybe there’s a slight chance the world aint going to end in 2012 but just in case, we haven't booked any tickets for Jedward's Christmas panto next year. Or the year after... And if it does all go belly-up folks, at least we got to see The Hobbit. Well, the first half of it.
Bono |
So there you have it disciples of ShowBiz. 2012 will most certainly be the year of the beard. Invest in one... And all this speculation about the world going down the shitter could be all cleared up by Bono in a matter of seconds. Sure he has the hotline direct to The Man upstairs. Even The Pope and Dalai Lama have to go through Mr Hewson. Yup. God's own operator.
John Sheahan |
Liam O'Maonlai |
Damien Rice, Glen Hansard |
Bono, Liam O'Maonlai, Glen Hansard |
Damien Dempsey, Glen Hansard |
Damien Rice, Glen Hansard |
Bono |