The Corr's Not For Botox...
The fricken cheek of some people! Suggesting that our Sharon Corr, the hottest Corr, needs to stick some of that Botox stuff into her lovely Irish face at the tender age of 41? We think not. We reckon Shazza's the sexiest woman to ever to, erm, fiddle with a fiddle...
Sharon Corr |
After her recent role on RTE's The Voice poor Sharon Corr has come in for a bit of stick herself... What's that saying? Oh yeah, judge not lest ye be judged. That's the one... Well, it was suggested by folk in the meeja that Sharon could do with a bit o' the aul Botox.
Sharon Corr |
But we couldn't disagree more. We spotted her good self outside the Stephens Green Shopping Centre this week looking fab, and in no more need of targeted facial paralysis than the next fella... In fact, we fancy all The Corrs.
Gemma Hayes |
Other than Shaz, we also spotted another hot Irish musician in the form of Gemma Hayes out and about in the city. Yet again, a natural beauty not requiring Botox... Let’s face it folks, natural women without all those lips fillers and facial injections and silicone implants and nipped and tucked to within an inch of Jackie Stallone are far more attractive. The alternative is just kinda funny and something only spotty teenage boys beat-off to in their bedrooms.
Gemma Hayes |