Ladies Luv Da Duuurty Dancin'...
There may be an economic recession going-on folks, but there sure as hell aint no recession in the world of musical theatre. Yup. Sure, Dirty Dancing at The Grand Canal Theatre is selling-out like Patrick Swayze himself was in it, and the ladies are lining-up to see the show... As Peter Griffin would say: Roadhouse...
Claire Moore, Daniella Moyles |
Whatever the magic is about the Dirty Dancing on stage, it sure is turning a pretty penny. Yup, bums on seats have generated 15 million in sales already and that was before it came to Dublin where it's running until the 25th of February...
Patricia Quinn, Valerie Roe, Gillian Quinn |
And if last night's well attended premiere at The GCT is anything to go by, you'd better had get your tickets booked now gals... We think this one's gonna sell-out in record time. Nice.
Leanne Moore, Gill Keogh |
Among the guests last night were: Claire Moore, Daniella Moyles, Patricia Quinn, Valerie Roe, Gillian Quinn, Leanne Moore, Gill Keogh, Geraldine Moran, Kathleen Watkins, Suzy Byrne, Caroline Foran, Harry Crosbie, Catherine Egan, Jenny Buckley, Michelle Hennessey, Diana Bunici, Mairead Farrell, and many more...
Geraldine Moran, Kathleen Watkins, Suzy Byrne |
Evvverybody: Now I've had the time of my life, No I never felt like this before. Yes I swear it's the truth, and I owe it all to yooooou... Roadhouse.
Jenny Buckley |
Michelle Hennessey, Diana Bunici |
Mairead Farrell |
Karen Koster & mother Brenda Koster |
Elaine Crowley |
Siobhan O'Connor |
Sinead Kennedy |
George McMahon, Nicola McCarthy |
Anna Daly |
Sinead Desmond |
Caroline Foran, Harry Crosbie, Catherine Egan |