It's Only Feckin' Faye From Steps...
A momentous thing happened recently folks... Steps got back together! Yup. Some said tragedy, others said result. Us? Well we are chuffed, mainly coz we used to really fancy Faye back in the day. Coincidentally, our lovely Faye was on The Daily Show yesterday...
Faye Tozer |
Take That have done it, Boyzone have done it, Westlife are probably gonna do it sooner than you think... That’s right. Reunion tours are the new money spinning thing in the pop industry... Usually with a ropey reality TV show precursor where they all sit around a table pretending to hate each other before the inevitable big group hug at the end. Ching. Ching.
Faye Tozer |
Still. We're kinda cool with Steps getting back together, at least they were an honest to goodness preppy pop band. Annoying songs, terrible outfits, and even worse dance routines. So bad it was good.
Faye Tozer & son Benjamin |
Well folks, at 36 Faye Tozer is still looking fab, even with her wee son Benjamin in her arms... Oh Wait there. The other blonde Claire was the one we fancied back in the day... She's still hot these days, right?