It's Brogue & Sammy Sausages...
Lo and behold good people of Ireland, it's only Australia's top celebrity couple Brian McFadden and Vogue Williams back on home turf. Yup. Brogue were about town yesterday for a family day out at the 'Snow White & The Adventures of Sammy Sausages' panto...
Brian McFadden, Vogue Williams |
As whirlwind romances go they don't get more whirlwindy than the meeting of Brian McFadden and Vogue Williams. One minute she was sitting on his lap at Harry's Bar, the next minute they were saying their vows in Italy and setting up shop Down Under. A true Irish love story.
Vogue Williams |
But at least they get home a few times a year and give our snappers something to snap. Yesterday we spotted the homeward pomms over at the Tivoli with Brian's kids Molly & Lily Sue... They were off to see Karl Broderick & Alan Hughes' Show White panto. Jedward will be mad jealous.
Brian McFadden, Vogue Williams, Molly McFadden, Lily Sue McFadden |
So there you have it folks, our Brian is home and on Daddy duty... Wonder when The Brogue will hear the patter of tiny feet? They're a Brady Bunch waiting to happen. The Broguey Bunch.
Brian McFadden, Vogue Williams, Molly McFadden, Lily Sue McFadden |
Karl Broderick, Alan Hughes |
Brian McFadden, Vogue Williams |