Brendan Chats Up The Wives...
Fair play to that Brendan O'Connor fella folks. The brave Saturday Night Show host took on some formidable women last weekend. Not only was he handling The Dublin Wives but he also took on Sinead O'Connor and Janet Street Porter...
Lisa Murphy, Brendan O'Connor |
Four of the five Dublin Wives graced The Saturday Night Show last weekend. Par for the course there is another wee feud erupting with Danielle 'Dr Botox' Meagher and the rest o' them. Apparently some argie-bargie went on at the wrap party and it's handbags at dawn once again.
Lisa Murphy, Roz Flanagan, Virginia Macari, Jo Jordan |
But the rest of the glam gals made the show and tried to get through the whole interview without it being dominated by their missing compatriot... Our Dr Dani seems to hijack every interview we've noticed.
Virginia Macari |
A slimmed down Sinead O'Connor was also in fine voice on the show. She's back working with her ex ex ex hubbie John Reynolds and in better form than we've seen her in ages... Janet Street Porter was also on the show... Top man Brendan.
Moniquea Flanagan, Roz Flanagan, Vincent Flanagan |
Jo Jordan |
Lisa Murphy |
Sinead O'Connor |
John Reynolds, Sinead O'Connor |
Janet Street Porter |
Lisa Murphy, Virginia Macari, Roz Flanagan, Jo Jordan |