Ye Olde Photocall Returneth...
The very fabric of Irish society has been undermined in the past few recessionista years. Yup. The demise of the traditional cheese-tastic photocall is to blame. Thankfully it returned yesterday thanks to Kit Kat, Karena Graham, and a Coconutrix...
Karena Graham |
We used to lambaste the Grafton Street / Stephen's Green photocall back in the heady days of the Celtic Le Tigre. You know, the poor model dressed inappropriately in public holding an inflatable thing while balancing on silly stacked heels. Alas, they went the way of Anglo backed Property Developers and are no more. Sob.
Karena Graham |
But we've been egging on PR types to bring back the Irish photocallette and place her back on the street where she belongs. Let's face it folks, our photocall queens were as much a part of a Dublin street scene as the Molly Malone statue... Except more bronzed.
Karena Graham |
Thankfully Kit Kat Chunky heard our call and dressed Karena 'Coconutrix' Graham up in a coconut shell bra and let her loose in St Stephen's Green with a few other strangely dressed lads. It was all something to do with Kit Kat's Choose a Chunky Champion campaign. Basically Joe Public has to choose between 4 new flavours of Kit Kat. Nom nom nom.
Gary Talbot, Ian O'Regan, Karena Graham, Matthew John |
So there you have it folks, the first green shoots of the return of the traditional Irish photocall. Fingers crossed this is not just a one off... We can only dream.
Karena Graham |