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03-07-01 news
Confirmed Flatley stalker fears...

Irish dancer Michael Flatley was last night still in the mist of a security scare after threat to his life. The scare came over the past few weeks and has caused the dancer to cancel all engagements relating to meeting the public on a one to one basis.

Last Friday night ahead Flatley's biggest show in Madison Square garden in New York the star checked into one of New York's most private and secure hotels, The Regis hotel, where he stayed in the $11,500 a night Presidential suite and was heavily guarded.

Sources close to the star confirmed that security had been tightened up over the past few weeks due to fears the star was being stalked. This also came only weeks after the stars Monte Carlo home was broken into.

Speaking exclusively to in New York ahead of his show on Friday, Flatley himself confirmed something was wrong but was very disturbed when questioned.

When asked had security been tightened and was he being forced to cancel all engagements with the members of the public the dancer said, "I don't know how much I'm supposed to say about that. Maybe you should talk to the security guys."

Sources close to Flatley also confirmed that Udo, his long-term private bodyguard was no longer with him and he had now new security guarding him.

On Friday night after the stars' 30,000 capacity sell out show in New York, three burly bodyguards surrounded the dancers every move as he met his family and friends for an after show party.

Even before the show the dancer arrived secretly from his hotel missing fans waiting outside. Early this week Flatley spoke to the American newspapers and admitted again there was issues with security. "I'm shrouded in security now. I'm not allowed to stop after the shows anymore to talk to fans which is a real pity because I loved that."

The star has already cancelled meet and greets sessions with fans at concerts recently in Columbus and Philadelphia. The close protection will continue until the end of his tour at the end of July in Dallas.

Tomorrow we will bring you the exclusive answers to all the questions all you Flatley fans submitted to our site.

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