Stu & Chaz - Hollywood's True Romance...
A day hardly goes by when Charlize Theron doesn't have to answer a question on whether she intends to Marry or have kids with her Irish fella, Stuart Townsend. Seven years into their bind and the two lovers look more solid than ever, and STILL refuse to play the Hollywood game...
Stuart Townsend, Charlize Theron |
What with Charlize Theron being an Oscar winner and the most glamorous actress in Tinseltown, there sure is a lot of pressure on her handsome actor boyfriend Stuart Townsend. Especially when you consider that his career hasn't really mirrored the successes of his South African girlfriend’s... Although, he’s had his share of near misses.
Stuart Townsend, Charlize Theron |
But then again, if you take the whole insane Hollywood element away from their relationship, they are simply just a boy and a girl trying to make-it-work in this crazy mixed-up world. Aren't they?
Stuart Townsend, Charlize Theron |
As Stu escorted Chaz to yet another screening of her latest movie 'Hancock' in Malibu this week, the two lovebirds shared a private giggle as the paparazzi turned on them in what looked like another "here we go again" moment. And yes, he stood aside and let his lady face her press. Chivalry folks, chivalry.
Stuart Townsend, Charlize Theron |
As long as our lad from Howth and his girl from Benoni can keep their private life, in their beach house away from the bright lights of Hollywood, private - then we have hope for these two... Ahhh, isn't love great? Well, that's what we hear you cynical bunch of hoors.