Neeson Spits A Loogie in St Tropez...
Possibly Ireland's finest actor, Liam Neeson, was spotted holidaying in the exclusive French resort of St Tropez with wife Natasha Richardson... But you can't take the Ballymena out of the boy - Liamo was spotted hocking-up-a-loogie. Ewwwe.
Natasha Richardson, Liam Neeson |
Liam Neeson is one of those actors that is becoming more comfortable in his own skin, and improving like a fine wine. Oscar glory is only a few years away, so place your bets folks.
Natasha Richardson, Liam Neeson |
Wearing matching sky-blue swimming costumes, Liam and his hot actress wife Natasha Richardson were spotting sunning themselves in the very plush and posh seaside town of Saint Tropez last week.
Natasha Richardson, Liam Neeson |
And despite it being Liam's 57th birthday today (happy birthday to you, happy birthday etc) the Northern Irish man still looks pretty buff and toned with his top off...
Natasha Richardson, Liam Neeson |
It seems our Liam got a mouthful of salty sea water in his gob while splashing about with his wife in the sea, as he was spotted spitting out a mouthful as he walked out of the water... Lovely. Have you ever noticed how a drop of sea water stings your eyes but not when you're swimming under the waves with your eyes open? Just one of life's many mysteries...