Has Farrell Fertilised Forrest?
Okay. Okay. We know we've been right in the middle of many recent Colin Farrell speculative features, but this latest one, we wouldn’t even attempt to make-up... Colin Farrell brought his girlfriend Emma Forrest to a Hollywood pharmacy this week, AND apparently left a receipt behind showing that the couple bought a pregnancy test. Oooo dear, here we go again...
Colin Farrell, Emma Forrest |
Rite. So we thought Colin Farrell was the secret father of Minnie Driver's bump (maybe he is?), turns out he may yet be a father for a second time (or third time if he's Minnie's man too). Himself and the new squeeze were seemingly caught buying a pregnancy test this week. Really. This fella needs to cut down on the aul protein or at least practice the Rhythm Method like a good Catholic boy.
Colin Farrell, Emma Forrest |
Yup. With the paparazzi around every corner The Farreller and his latest lady Emma went to a Rite-Aid pharmacy in Hollywood, and with several witnesses watching, apparently bought an EPT Pregnancy Test for 15 dollars. Eh, he doesn't believe in subtlety, does he?
Rite-Aid Pharmacy Receipt |
And to make matters worse, and if the reports are true, he only went and left the bloody receipt behind him. Doh! Really, we couldn’t make this stuff up folks, its pure tabloid gold. Now, we don't know if Emma is knocked-up but with gaff-prone Colin around we're sure he'll mislay an ultrasound scan or be spotted bulk-buying Pampers... Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Say no more.
Colin Farrell, Emma Forrest |
Perhaps the results of the preggers test left our Colin in an agitated state? Later that day he apparently crashed his Ford Bronco into a parked car. Although, he did leave a note for the banged car's owner taking responsibility... Strangely he signed his signature "Colin Farrell" at the end of the honest plea as if he was signing an autograph... Again - for a star seeking absolute privacy, about as subtle as a brick! Nice one Col, it was almost looking like a slow news week.