Stipe Wears Wedding Band in Dublin...
Openly gay REM frontman Michael Stipe may have only 'come out' in recent years as, he thought we all already knew! Now we think he may have found the right man and settled-down... Why? Well, we spotted him in Dublin at the weekend wearing a gold Claddagh Ring on his wedding finger as he left U2's Clarence Hotel...
Michael Stipe |
We had a right stressful few days tracking REM singer Michael Stipe last week. First we got news that he was on a Ryanair flight to Dublin from Nice, where he was no doubt hanging out with pal Bono in Eze. Somehow we missed him at Dublin airport and again at The Clarence Hotel last Thursday...
Michael Stipe |
Knowing Stipe always stays at Bono & The Edge's plush hotel, we kept an eye on the place and accidentally tripped over REM's other two shiny-happy members Mike Mills and Peter Buck later that night. But still no sign of Stipe.
Michael Stipe |
Finally, after a 2 day stake out, Michael Stipe left The Clarence Hotel with an apple in his hand as he headed off to play at the Oxegen festival on Saturday evening. As he left, we noticed he was wearing the Irish traditional relationship 'Claddagh' ring on the wedding finger on his left hand. Hmmmm.
Michael Stipe |
We don't know much about the personal life of Stipe, but he did tell the media he was gay not so long ago... Perhaps he has settled down and found himself an Irish fella?