Dr Redford Gets A Trinners Parchment...
The Sundance Kid himself, Robert Redford put on a funny outfit at the weekend and took part in a strange secret ceremony in an ancient hall - this time it wasn't for a movie role or even an underground S&M party. Hell no. The aging heart throb was instead bestowed with an honorary Doctorate Degree from Trinity College...
Robert Redford |
You know, we're sort of a bit skeptical and cynical of Higher Educational Institutions giving out awards and degrees to celebrities just to 'pimp-up' their otherwise tedious and laborious passing-out ceremonies. It's like a slap in the face for all the graduates who have dedicated the last seven years of their lives to study and academia, when they give the same degree to some celeb slapper like Jodie Marsh for getting her tits-out-for-the-lads.
Robert Redford, John Hume |
We're all too well aware of just how little work most celebrities actually do... And when it comes to their so-called 'charity work' well, that's just another fake PR exercise that looks good ONLY when the cameras are rolling. Celebs in truth are a bunch of ego driven brainless glove puppets with no real insight into world issues or anything else beyond the rhinoplastied nose on their face. Let's face it – the majority are idiots.
Robert Redford |
But in the case of Hollywood legend Robert Redford, well, he’s a total different kettle-of-fish in celeb terms... We have tip-our-hats to voting committee at Trinity College who bestowed an honorary Doctor of Letters Degree on him and several other worthy recipients including John Hume, Robert Fisk, Donal Lunny and Melissa Webb...
John Hume, Mary Robinson, Robert Redford |
For apart from many many other things, Robert Redford is an Academy Award-winning motion picture director, actor, producer, businessman, environmentalist and philanthropist. Heck, he should be the next American president (after Obama that is). In short, the award from Trinners is well deserved. Plus, it gives the other graduates a story regale their children with in years to come.
Trinity Graduates |
Oh, and congrats to all those other real students of Trinity College who got proper degrees. Pity they will be worthless now that the economy's in bits and jobs are scarce... Never mind, Mommy & Daddy won't mind paying for another Post-Graduate distraction to keep you busy until this misery wave passes... Students, eh?
Donal Lunny, Robert Fisk |