Ferrell Flaunts His Irish Fetish...
Comedy genius Will Ferrell toured around Ireland with his father and brother this year, seeking his Celtic roots. At the time he was honored with UCD ceremony and a ‘James Joyce Award’ where he wore an Irish Rugby outfit... Guess what? He's only still wearing it... Proudly.
Will Ferrell |
Will ‘Frank the Tank’ Ferrell really got in touch with his Gaelic lineage this year when he climbed-down his family tree in Ireland and found himself in University College Dublin. In typical Ferrell style he entertained the academics over at the UCD Literary & Historical Society when they bestowed an honorary award on him...
Will Ferrell |
Wearing a full Irish rugby kit (that he bought in Carrolls), Will had the students rolling-in-aisles as he plucked away on his guitar and dowsed himself with a bottle of water during what is usually a rather stuffy ceremony. We think you might still be able to see some of the hilarious footage on YouTube.
Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly |
Well, it seems like Will hasn't fully got over his newly found Irish fetish as he was spotted in New York last night STILL wearing the same Ireland rugby jersey with pride... Ferrell was out with with John C. Reilly for the premiere of their latest movie 'Step Brothers'...