Guess The Boyband Baldy?
It's a bit slow on the ShowBiz front this week folks so unless you send us in tip-offs and your celeb snaps, we'll just find other ways to amuse ourselves... We spotted a hunky Irish celeb at the weekend getting a bit o' sunburn on his barnett's ever increasing bald spot. Can you tell who it is?
Guess Who? |
Oh yes. A pretty-boy Irish pin-up is getting a tad light on top. Some might say follicly challenged. Can you guess who he is? A few hints for yis... 1. He's a Keen surfer 2. He's Eager to get married 3. He comes from the West of Ireland 4. He is looking to change his Life and get into management... Really, we should find something more fulfilling to do with our quiet days. You see what boredom does? Ooops. Now we’re probably on his media hit-list along with Lorraine Keane.