Guess Who Has A Stiff Wrist?
It seems a certain Irish male model has been flexing his right wrist waaay too much lately - to such an extent that he needs a special support sock. Considering that himself and the girlfriend are desperately trying to find their own pad to get some privacy away from the parents, is it any wonder he's sprained his right hand’s most vital joint?
Guess Who? |
Last night we spotted a certain male model rocking a sturdy wrist support and we're baffled as to how he might hurt his little bendy and rotary joint... Perhaps he hurt it playing the video games in his Dad's arcade? Or, by spending too much time typing and updating his bebo page?? Maybe it was the strain from holding the camera while his little brother acted out another of his 'Skanger Me Banger' sketches??? Perhaps. But I guess we'll never really know folks...
Wesley Quirke |
Of course, we're only talking about handsome Wesley Quirke, boytoy to Rosanna Davison, who was rocking the wrist bandage at last night's 'You Don't Mess with the Zohan' Irish Premiere held at The Savoy cinema.
Andy Quirke, Louise Kavanagh, Wesley Quirke |
Wes was at the Adam Sandler movie opening with his afore mentioned brother Andy Quirke, and Andy’s latest squeeze Louise Kavanagh – who was wearing some damn short short-shorts...
Rob Schneider, Louise Kavanagh |
Assets model Louise Kavanagh was actually modelling on the night for the red carpet ceremony alongside Rachel Montague and a few other lovely ladies. But what WAS she doing behind Rob Schneider's back to get his face to grimace so? I guess we'll never know that one either... Naughty.
Louise Kavanagh, Rachel Montague |
The turn-out for last night's Dublin movie Premiere was insanely LARGE. Half of O’Connell Street was blocked, probably the biggest crowd we've seen for film launch in Ireland.
Adam Sandler |
And it has to be said that both Adam Sandler and Rob Schneider really worked the crowd hard. So much so, that all the VIPs waiting to get in had to hang around in the queue for about thirty minutes until the lads finished chatting with fans and posing for photos. Feckin’ celebs holding up the queue. Who do they think they are?
Rob Schneider |
A great premiere and a great turn out - so make sure you go and check out the movie...