The Wright Venue Cometh...
With hot naked ladies painted gold and others with live snakes wrapped around their thighs, you would think a James Bond movie was shooting in Swords' Airside Business Park last Friday night. In fact it was the opening of uber club The Wright Venue which was finally unveiled to the public and a few thirsty celebs toboot...
Nicky Byrne, Georgina Byrne |
Even in these belt tightening recessionary times there are still a few pioneering businessmen out on the limb and splashing the cash on humongously brave and bold ventures. And in terms of brave and bold ventures The Wright Venue sure does take the gilded biscuit folks.
Michelle Heaton, Hugh Hanley |
The risky project has been painstakingly put together by 45 year old Michael Wright over the past five years; The Wright Venue is now Ireland's most expensive club coming in at a whopping 38 million Euro! It's also the most expansive with 140,000 square feet of floor space accommodating over 2,000 punters on a busy night.
Michelle Heaton, Louise Osbourne |
Spread over 3 tiers and numerous themed bars, lounges and rooms, even a VIP Penthouse & Garden there when odd celebrity drops in, The Wright Venue is beyond anything Ireland has ever seen before... This outrageously extravagant club would probably look more at home on the Las Vegas strip rather than Dublin's North side...
Wright's Golden Girls |
Last Friday night TWV opened to the public and all that superclub hype paid-off as punters lined-up around the block to experience a unique night of biometric fingerprinting, interactive LCD menu screens, and the largest disco ball this country has ever seen...
--michael-wright-(owner).jpg) |
Rebecca De Havilland (Hostess), Michael Wright (Owner) |
On the opening night celebrity stylist to the stars Michelle Heaton and her fella Hugh Hanley were on hand as was Westlife's Nicky Byrne and his wife Georgina... Of course there were those gold painted naked girls and a few sexy snake charmers strolling around...
Mary O'Connell |
So there you have it folks, The Wright Venue is open now and definitely worth a visit for a boogie or a meal or even just for a gander... We hear it will only be open on Friday and Saturday nights to the public, during the week they intend to have things like fashions shows a corporate gigs occupying the vast expanse...
Guests at The Wright Venue |