It's The Best of Irish 2010...
Last night was The Best of Irish Awards 2010 at the Burlo folks. And being the work-shy fops that we are we only stuck around for a few familiar faces at the arrivals, thus we have no further info for you other than what's contained in this very paragraph. Modern journalism at its apex...
Virginia Macari, Pippa O'Connor |
Okay, we're crap and we know we are coz the only content we have to fill the white bits in-between these lovely pictures is we have no content. Genius. A new filler-age has begun right fricken here. Mark this day.
Celia Holman Lee |
Yup. We covered the arrivals of The Best of Irish last night yet never stuck around to find out what the awards are about, who was nominated for what, who won what, nor who became The Best of Irish 2010.
Eamon Dunphy |
But hey, it's not even like you lot even read the stuff on this site. You merely peruse the photos then go down to the comments section below and say stuff like: "da bleedin' state o' yer wan!"
Leigh Arnold |
Moving on swiftly, guests we snapped at the Burlington included: Eamon Dunphy, Virginia Macari, Pippa O'Connor, Brian Ormond, Colette Fitzpatrick, Tara Sinnott, Sonia Harris, Leigh Arnold, Celia Holman Lee, Orla Sheehan, and Ray Shah.
Colette Fitzpatrick |
Come to think of it, how come wasn't nominated for Best Online Journalism And Allround Internet Sexiness Award? Oh, yeah, coz we're crap. That's why... There's always next year folks. There's always next year.
Tara Sinnott |
Sonia Harris |
Orla Sheehan, Ray Shah |
Virginia Macari |
Brian Ormond, Pippa O'Connor |