Dublin's Sinners Sin 'Til Late...
A new club night launched last evening at Dandelion Bar on St Stephen's Green folks. Called 'Sintilate' (get it - sin 'til late??) the high-energy recurring Friday night party is headed up by Snoop Dogg's favourite Dublin Dee Jay - DJ Frank Jez...
Mimi Showbande, Mary Saduwa |
After a long week of working for the man or drawing the dole, there is no doubt that a night on the town is in order. Thus, DJ Frank Jez and Dave Lalor got together and launched their regular Friday party called 'Sintilate' at The Dandelion. Get the weekend started right and all that.
Dave Lalor, DJ Frank Jez |
We stuck our wee heads in for a looksee last night and the place seemed to be living it to its name. Feckin' sinners everywhere! Just the way we like it.
Joanna Ribouet |
Party peeps that caught our eye on the night included: Demi Falayi, Paulina Mastalska, Nadia Shah, Mimi Showbande, Mary Saduwa, Joanna Ribouet, Chuck Iwuji, Yare Jegbefume, Monique Rizzato, Stephanie Lun, Tessa Biaudt, Linda Conway, Roxanna Auram, Anna Wroblewska, Winnie Wright, and a few more...
Chuck Iwuji, Yare Jegbefume |
Sintilate is a regular feature at Dandelion on Friday nights so be sure to check it out. Tell 'em we sent ya!
Monique Rizzato |
In related news, badboy rapper Snoop Dogg has confirmed that he will play a show at the Olympia Theatre with DJ Frank Jez this coming July 6th. Impressive or wha?
Stephanie Lun, Tessa Biaudt |
Linda Conway |
Roxanna Auram, Anna Wroblewska |
Winnie Wright |
DJ Frank Jez |