Sean To Totally Exit Xpose...
Breaking news folks (we're soo on the ball). TV3 just contacted us to say that their newest member and by no means token male, Sean Munsanje, is to leave the glam show in August after initially winning a 6 month contract on 'Total Xposure'...
Sean Munsanje, Aisling O'Loughlin |
We were only getting used to his big happy head on our screens and big beaming smile at the rolling out of every red carpet in this city. But alas, no more. Sean Munsanje is to exit Xpose next month. Devo.
Aisling O'Loughlin, Sean Munsanje, Karen Koster, Lisa Cannon, Glenda Gilson |
TV3's press office released a brief statement today stating that our Seanie boy is on his way out the door, but there was no explanation as to why they were wishing him all the best with future endeavours...
Aisling O'Loughlin, Sean Munsanje, Stacey Solomon, Karen Koster, Lisa Cannon, Glenda Gilson |
That said and this being the Irish media, we're sure the full story behind this shocking exit will come out soon enough. Sean leaves behind Aisling O'Loughlin, Karen Koster, Lisa Cannon, and Glenda Gilson. He said in a statement today: "While I'm sorry to see it come to an end, I'm excited about taking on new challenges."
Aisling O'Loughlin, Karen Koster, Sean Munsanje, Lisa Cannon, Glenda Gilson |
Good luck Sean! Now he's out and can someone please drag Ruth O'Neill back from her extended holidays to take over his slot? We kinda miss her.