Guess Who in 30 Seconds Or Less...
Can you Guess Who folks? Yup. We had one of Hollywood's biggest heartthrobs in town at the weekend but hidden beneath his ingenious anti-paparazzi extended hood. Clues: Brad Pitt once gave him an awful aul hiding, he comes from a near distant red planet, annnd he calls his impressive new hairdo a "Goldhawk". Come inside and find out...
Jared Leto |
Drum roll.... The man beneath the hood-slash-veil is none other than actor Jared Leto who was in town with his band '30 Seconds to Mars' to play the Oxegen music festival. Although you will have to take our word for it – as he was not interested in being snapped when we spotted him at the Westbury Hotel... Not. Fair.
Jared Leto |
Before our weak and feeble minded snapper could get off a single frame, the heartthrob donned a black hoodie – the like we've never seen before - which, once deployed, acted as a full face veil completely blocking his handsome mush from our lenses! Darn him. Yet we take our hat off to Jared for his agile ingenuity, but HOW the fricken hell could he see where he was going with a foot of black material covering his face? We're perplexed people. Perhaps he has some honed Hollywood extra sensory perception or summit.
Taboo from the 'Black Eyed Peas' |
Apart from Mr. Leto giving us the face-slip we also spotted Taboo from the 'Black Eyed Peas' leaving the Westbury. At least this famous fella was only wearing dark glasses and a hat as he prepared to jet out of Ireland... He even stopped to sign autographs for fans... Awwww.
Taboo from the 'Black Eyed Peas' |