Guess What Sarah McG Is Promoting?
We caught-up with striking Irish model Sarah McGovern yesterday folks as she was promoting something rather worldly and important in Fallon & Byrne with RTE broadcaster Miriam O'Callaghan. But from this picture it's kinda hard to work out just what? We're perplexed. Well, that balloon she's holding looks like a backwards five or an upside-down two...
Sarah McGovern |
There's is no doubting Sarah McGovern's model pedigree folks - she certainly has it all from the looks, the height, the body and the perfect poise. But as we were a snapping her yesterday holding two giant gold balloons we kinda wanted to quietly tap her on the shoulder and ask her if something was amiss with her novelty props. Ahem.
Miriam O'Callaghan |
Then things weren't helped when the almighty Miriam O’Callaghan showed-up with a balloon which sorted looked like a giant gold banana... Hmmmmm, we still hadn't a clue what was going on...
Sarah McGovern, Miriam O'Callaghan |
But before you all go criminally insane and start smashing iPads against your throbbing heads, the two tall ladies got together and all was finally revealed... They were carrying big inflatable numbers which when put together spelt out the number 50... Ohhhhh, now we understand. Or do we?
Miriam O'Callaghan |
O yes we do, for Miriam and Sarah McG were celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Contraceptive Pill - possibly the most fundamentally important invention in the liberation of the fairer sex and a bringer of equality between men and women through plain and simple birth control. The younger generation may take The Pill for granted, but as inventions go it's up there with fire, the wheel, and erm, sliced bread.
Sarah McGovern |
You'll be happy to hear there was no bra burning or any of that type of behaviour at the Fallon & Byrne celebration of the aul Jack-and-Jill. And just to show how far women have come in the past 50 years uber hot politician Liz O'Donnell was there at the bash... Every man and his dog knows that if our Liz was Taoiseach right now there'd be no recession or bad banks and we wouldn't have to change channel every fricken time our pug-faced leader came on the telly...
Liz O'Donnell |
On a side note, we think Miriam should get her Pill prescription checked-out folks. Like, she's had more kids than the old woman that lived in a shoe! Just sayin' that's all.