Louis' An M&S Man...
As half of Dublin's social set were over munching popcorn at the Grown-Ups premiere, Pop's svengali with the biggest ging gang goolies, Louis Walsh was on Grafton Street busily grocery shopping at Marks & Spencer. Move over Noemie Lenoir, M&S has a new model...
Louis Walsh |
With all the buckets of moolah Simon Cowell shovels his way you'd think Louis Walsh would have someone in to do his messages shopping for him (he could also wear much nicer clothes, but we digress). Not so folks. We caught-up with our wee Walshy on Grafton Street this week after doing a quick shop for bits-and-bobs at Marks & Sparks.
Louis Walsh |
And considering all the international a-listers he now mixes with you might think Monsieur Walsh couldn't be bothered, nay arsed, about the dying Dublin celeb scene. In fact, all he wanted to know from our out-and-about snappers was what wannabes were trying to attract their fickle attentions over at the nearby Savoy premiere... To which our lads chirped: "All of them!"
Louis Walsh |
Cheeky chappie Louis even had wee pop at the dedicated folk running the respected high-brow Irish institution that is ShowBiz.ie... HE WHAT? We were almost insulted until we reviewed the peeps Lou considers to be majorly talented... Boyzone, Westlife, Jedward, Bellefire, Six, The Carter Twins, G4... Erm, actually we'd be rather worried if the X Factor fellow dug us. Paul Martin we are not.