Behold The Salpa Home To Shop...
Ever since she legged it to that London top-heavy model Georgia Salpa hasn't looked back. Good news folks, her immenseness was amid us island-bound peasants late last week doing good for the Irish economy by splurging some of her UK glossy mag money in Dublin shops...
Georgia Salpa |
Sightings of the Lesser Spotted Georgia Salpa around these here parts are getting rarer and rarer so we always jump at a chance to get shots of Ireland's only famous international model when the opportunity arises... So randomly bumping into her good self on Grafton Street last week was a wee treat... For us... For her? We're guessing, not so much.
Michele McGrath & Georgia Salpa |
Our Georgie Girl was knocking about town just before the weekend gone with bezzie bud and fellow model Michele McGrath, hitting the likes of Zara and Oasis stores... Good gal Georgia, spend your big wad in Dublin.
Michele McGrath & Georgia Salpa |
So there you have it folks. Wearing her now trademark outfit: fitted blazer, white vest, skinny jeans, big heels, and designer shades - The Salpa got snapped on Dublin streets... Saying that, she gave our snapper the slip 5 minutes after these shot were taken. Don't worry, he was severely beaten about the face and neck.
Georgia Salpa |