They're Calling Them Jonnolly...
He was the man that brought us Fade Street and never said sorry, she was once Ireland's top catwalk queen now acting out in Fair City. Individually they are John Norton & Vivienne Connolly, together they're calling them Jonnolly. Apparently...
John Norton & Vivienne Connolly |
Ireland sure is a buzz with new couples all in lurve and all. We blame the rain - well you gotta do something when it's all wet & windy outside... Our latest addition to the hall of flames are Johnny 'don't call me Johnny' Norton and Vivienne 'Ingrid Gleeson' Connolly.
John Norton & Vivienne Connolly |
We spotted Jonnolly (soz, best moniker we could do) strolling down Grafton Street yesterday with a bit o' a swagger in their collective step. Our stealthy snap hound jumped out and snapped them so quick poor Mr. Norton didn't even have time to lash out his customary pout for the camera. He must be raging.
John Norton & Vivienne Connolly |
So there you have it folks, it's the classic Brontesque tale of TV producer meets model/actress and all is right with the world once again. But the question we all really want to know is: has our Viv seen Fade Street?