Those Apprentices at The Marker...
That Marker Hotel is fast becoming the 'in' place in the city to be seen folks. We're hearing very good things. Yesterday we staked out the hip joint like the good paps that we are and spotted a whole bunch o' celeb types, some doing The Apprentice thang...
Nadia Forde |
TV3 are coming at us very soon with Celebrity Apprentice. Now, we know it can be hard to drum-up a few famous faces around these here parts but they've come-up-trumps this time out. Yup. We spotted a few of 'em at The Marker Hotel yesterday.
Edele Lynch |
Oh yes... We've got ex boybanders & girlbanders with Mikey Graham & Edele Lynch. We got all the beauty angles covered with our fav Irish model ever, Nadia Forde. And most importantly, all the sweet busty goodness of Amanda Brunker, still crazy busty after a boob reduction... We also spotted Louis Walsh & Niall O'Farrell knocking about the Marker. Now, we've no idear if they've got stuff to do with the TV show, but we spotted them none the less.
Amanda Brunker |
So there you have it folks, just hang around the Marker Hotel any day of the week and you'll see a few celeb types. TV3's Celebrity Apprentice will be worth a watch also, just to get a few pervy views of our very own Nadia Forde. We hear she got kinda nudie in some USA Reality TV thing recently... Nice. If only the interweb could provide actual proof.
Mikey Graham |
Louis Walsh |
Niall O'Farrell |
Nadia Forde |