Gender Madness at Women's Mini Marathon...
We're not exactly scienticians here at the ShowBiz Higher Institute of Technology School (S.H.I.T.S.). But damn it, we know the difference between a lad and a lady... Seems the people over at the Flora Women's Mini Marathon could do with attending one or two of our lectures.
A Mini Marathon Lady? |
We're very confused regarding the amount of Gender-Bending that went on at today's Women's Mini Marathon in Dublin... Somehow we think that a few of the lovely ladies in question may have not in fact been ladies. Oh yeah? STOP THE FECKIN' PRESS.
A Mini Marathon Lady |
We assume the vast majority of the thousands of women who ran today were bone-fide females. Although, we think that some others may have had a little more luggage hiding in their hot pants. Disgraceful, we know. Someone call in Dame Edna.
Mini Marathon Ladies? |
Now. We don't wanna cause offense and point out the suspects here (just in case some just happen to be real ladies), so we'll just post our pictures and let you do the finger pointing... Use your innate gender pondering powers to work out the Sheilas from the Sams.
Mini Marathon Ladies |
Let's just pray to our ShowBiz Gods that next year the organisers can come up with a test to validate male from female, so the honourable name of the Women's Mini Marathon can restored...
Mini Marathon Ladies? |
Anyways, here are some of today's fotees. Enjoy. But not too much you pervs.
A Mini Marathon Lady |
Mini Marathon Ladies? |
A Mini Marathon Lady |
A Mini Marathon Lady |
A Mini Marathon Ladies |