Grumpy McGinley Scrubs-Up in Dublin...
Scrubs actor John C. McGinley is either a true stalwart of the method acting tradition or just a grumpy bastard. We caught up with Dr. Cox out on the town in Dublin at the weekend. Annnnd if looks could kill...
John C McGinley |
John C. McGinley is one of those actors that have been in some of the biggest movies Hollywood has produced in the past 20 years, yet never made the big-time. He's starred in movies like Platoon, Wall Street, Point Break and numerous others - but it took a hospital sitcom role to propel him as a house-hold name.
John C McGinley |
Owning the character Dr. Perry Cox in the Emmy Award winning Scrubs, McGinley plays an angry war-weary Doctor on the Emergency room frontline - trying to educate and guide his interns and stay somewhat sane... Obviously he rarely smiles on screen. So, when we stuck our cameras in his face at the weekend it seemed like it was stony faced Dr. Cox on overdrive, although his brother did see the funny side of it!
John C McGinley, brother |
Sorry for snapping you John, but you did tell Zach Braff and the rest of the Scrubs cast to go to Dublin if they wanted star treatment... He recently told TV Squad magazine: "If any of you guys are having self esteem or ego problems, get a flight to Dublin. It'll all work out for ya."