Spencer Tunick's Naked-Arsed Dublin...
Seems like Dubliners lost all their inhibitions at the weekend and got their wobbly and dangly unmentionables out on the beach. Artist Spencer Tunick feels the human body is beautiful, in all its forms... ALL its forms? We beg to differ.
Spencer Tunick - but is it Art? |
It was an early start for us here at ShowBiz Ireland on Friday night / Saturday morning. Yup. Internationally acclaimed artist Spencer Tunick wanted us out of our beds and on a bus at 3.30 am. So we just skipped the bed.
Spencer Tunick - but is it Art? |
And we weren't the only ones... Over a thousand Dubliners hopped on to the free buses provided to ferry us all to the sea-side – and as dawn broke over the Irish Sea, all clothing was discarded and the naked mob ran out onto the freezing sands. Weeeeeeee.
Spencer Tunick - but is it Art? |
The brave (or mad) gang of white-arsed lunatics fearlessly removed every garb and marched to the beat of Tunick's drum, despite the freezing temperatures and icy rain. If anything, the fierce weather and biting cold helped everyone forget they were completely in-the-nip!
Spencer Tunick |
But spirits were high and the crazy mob showed their collective sense of humour and mooned a ferry as it passed. And the large passenger ship responded with a loud hoot of its horn as over a thousand arses pointed at its starboard side... Ahoy!
Spencer Tunick |
All those who took part in Tunick's Art Installation will get a copy of a limited edition photo of the event - we reckon a hot whiskey and a blanket would be just as apt to remember that day. Brrrrrr...
Spencer Tunick |
Even at the end of a few bitterly cold hours of naked artistic ambition, Dubliners still couldn't get enough of their new found lack of conservatism... As the buses took the many streakers away, we still got to see a few more white arses pressed up against the windows. Thanks lads.
Spencer Tunick |
Fair play to all who partook in Spencer Tunick's experiment. But now it's over folks, please put back on your knickers.