Is Farrell Minnie's Designated Driver?
The Irish papers, with no rhyme or reason, are harping on about Colin Farrell finding love with an English author called Emma Forrest. But we think they may be wide-of-the-mark and missed the spicy Minnie Driver ingredient in this intriguing little dish...
Colin Farrell |
If you opened a newspaper anywhere in the world this week, you most likely caught sight of a toned looking Colin Farrell on the beach in Malibu, jogging around in a wet pair of boxer shorts. But that's only part a bigger story that lazy hacks overlooked...
Colin Farrell |
For Farrell was actually at the beach with his son James, splashing about in the surf when he spotted a paparazzo snapping his private family moment. In true Col style, he blew his top and sprinted up the beach after the photographer, leaving his son in the care of pregnant actress Minnie Driver and some friends.
Colin Farrell |
With an aggressive expression on his face The Farreller confronted the sneaky snapper shouting: "Are you f***ing taking a picture of me and my boy?" And dispatched the lens man on his merry way...
Minnie Driver |
But what the media seemed to have missed is that Farrell was having his tranquil family day at the beach with 7 months pregnant Minnie Driver – who, to this day, has remained tight-lipped about the true identity of her unborn baby's father. Although, she did allude that the Daddy is someone in the same industry as her.
Minnie Driver |
And that's not where the Minnie and Colin coincidences end. Oh no. Minnie was also spotted this week walking her dog with an Emerald Green engagement ring on her wedding finger. Very Irish... Add that to the pictures we got of Farrell in recent days with a ring on his wedding finger too... Hmmmmm, my dear Watson.
Minnie Driver |
Putting all of that together, one COULD speculate that Colin is the secret father of Minnie's bump, or at least, the two are in a relationship they want kept private? Well, there's a hell of a lot more evidence pointing that direction than in the direction of the Emma Forrest which, we suspect, maybe a certain PR agent's red herring to divert the media's attention... That story came out of nowhere and broke about a day after Colin and Minnie were spotted on the beach. We're not buying it folks. Watch this space.