Michelle Heaton Fixes Her Chips...
Ireland's favourite celebrity immigrant Michelle Heaton has used her time acclimatising to Irish culture by settling down with a local lad, getting her body into shape, and stepping away from dreaded fake bake. This week she sorted-out her oral fixation and got a chip on her front tooth veneered by Dentist to the stars Dr. Danielle Meagher...
Michelle Heaton, Dr. Danielle Meagher |
Last year former Liberty X singer Michelle Heaton made a career altering decision to slow-down her fast paced ShowBiz lifestyle in London and adopt a quainter more tranquil way of being and moved to Dublin.
Michelle Heaton, Dr. Danielle Meagher |
The naughty celeb didn't totally acclimatise immediately and there were the odd few boozy nights out on the town, but all that stopped when she fell for local lad Hugh Hanley. The rest, as they say, is history.
Michelle Heaton, Dr. Danielle Meagher |
Earlier this year we saw the biggest transformation in our Shelly when she lost the belly by working-out with celebrity trainer Paul Byrne at his Body Byrne gym in Temple Bar. The transformation was incredible - her new toned figure is the stuff of headlines all over the UK and Ireland.
Michelle Heaton, Dr. Danielle Meagher |
This week we caught up with Miss Heaton at D4 Dental & Botox clinic 'DermaDental' as she got a wee bit o' work done on a niggling tooth chip which was hampering her dazzling celebrity smile...
Michelle Heaton, Dr. Danielle Meagher |
With Glenda Gilson and an Xpose camera crew in tow, Michelle had a consultation with Dentist to the stars Dr. Danielle Meagher (or ‘Dr. Botox’ to those who you who avail of her renowned needle services!) as she had a composite veneer placed over a chip on her right front tooth. Technical or what?
Michelle Heaton, Dr. Danielle Meagher |
With her tooth expertly de-chipped, whitened-up, and sparkling - Michelle is now ready for the cameras that will no-doubt be following her around like a bad smell at her 29th birthday party in London on July 18th... Wonder will there be anything else sparkling on her person on the 18th? Ahem. A ring. Cough. Cough.
Michelle Heaton |
Forgetting all the great body and dazzling smile stuff - we reckon Heaton is totally hot in her black rimmed specs... Glasses wearer of the year folks!