TV3 'Celebrity' Salon Cometh...
Engage cinema movie trailer voice and say: "6 celebrities, 12 days and 1 ultimate goal - to turn them into hardened beauty professionals". Well folks, that's pretty much all you need to know about TV3's latest Reality TV offering 'Celebrity Salon' coming very soon to a plasma screen near you. Ah, we're sure it'll be only gas...
Pippa O'Connor, Breffny Morgan, Leigh Arnold |
With a line-up that sounds like a bad night at Krystle (or an average day on, TV3 have gone all out and attracted six Irish 'celebrities' to star in their bold new venture Celebrity Salon. Excira or wha?
Celia Holman Lee, Breffny Morgan, Virginia Macari, Brian Dowling, Pippa O'Connor, Leigh Arnold |
And just who are these uber famous household names we hear you cry? Well, there's Celia Holman Lee, Breffny Morgan, Virginia Macari, Brian Dowling, Pippa O'Connor, and Leigh Arnold... Happy?
Glenda Gilson |
And if for some reason you don't know who this lot are OR know some of 'em but have no comprehension how they make rent cheques each month, you soon will. For they will be plastered all over our screens and newspapers over the coming weeks as this show airs... Wasn't Rosanna Davison supposed to be in this?
Celia Holman Lee |
The launch party for Celebrity Salon went down in Cafe En Seine last night and it sure was a TV3-tastic affair... Question: where do all the TV3 gals get all the numerous changes of clothes? Like they are all at everything, and you never see them in the same gear twice. Well, all except for The Glenda and her blue booties.
Virginia Macari |
Starting next Monday at 9pm TV3 urged all to tune-in with this line: "Watch the laughs, drama and tension unfold as Brian Dowling, Pippa O'Connor, Leigh Arnold, Virginia Macari, Celia Holman Lee and The Apprentice's breakout star, Breffny Morgan, cope with the wonderful world of tanning, waxing, hair and beauty." Totally hooked already.
Brian Dowling |
Right. Well, it all sounds like car-crash stuff but hey! we love car-crash telly. Sure didn't we even watch literally minutes of the TVNow Awards footage there recently? Well actually no, we didn't. But we always watch Family Guy on 3e and that's like TV3 aint it?
Pippa O'Connor |
Anyway, we're meandering away here like a whirling dervish with the spinnies. Other than the contestants at the launch there was: Tara Sinnott, Glenda Gilson, Lisa Cannon, Ben Frow, Michele McGrath, Collette Fitzpatrick, Elaine Crowley, Claire Malone, Karen Koster, Elaine Butler Doolin, Gary Kavanagh, Geraldine O'Callaghan, and many more...
Tara Sinnott, Leigh Arnold |
As previously iterated - Celebrity Salon kicks off on Monday 7th June at 9pm on TV3. We're not too sure how long it runs but then again if we pay as much attention to this as we did The Apprentice, then all of this is surely academic... Oh, that Brain Dowling is a card.
Michele McGrath |
Collette Fitzpatrick |
Elaine Crowley |
Claire Malone |
Karen Koster |
Lisa Cannon, Ben Frow |
Elaine Butler Doolin |
Gary Kavanagh |
Geraldine O'Callaghan |