The Pope Hits Buck Whaleys...
The Pope hit Buck Whaleys last bank holiday Sunday folks, and before you go reaching for the Rosary Beads and start genuflecting like Billyo in front of the tabernacle, we're not talking about THAT Pope. Duh! We are of course referring to UK glamour model Lauren Pope...
Lauren Pope |
VIP club of the moment Buck Whaleys is attracting quite a few celebos of late down Leeson Street way. At the weekend they had UK glamour model and Page 3 gal Lauren Pope in for a bop, and in case you didn't recognise the Nuts babe with her clothes on - that's her in the see-thru top above and below.
Lauren Pope |
Miss Pope was at the club to spin out a few tunes (are all celebs now required to have mandatory a DJ license or summit?) last Sunday night alongside Dublin DJ Ivano Cafolla... Now. How come our Lauren doesn't get her own gigantic cross in the Phoenix Park?
Lauren Pope |