Oh Dearie Me it's Rosanna.ie...
She's been a Bebo babe, the face of Facebook, and a Twitter erm twit? Not happy with dominating every social network there is Rosanna Davison has launched herself into the blogosphere with the long awaited wwweb birth of Rosanna.ie! Could have been worse folks, she could have launched Wesanna.ie instead - that's probably comin' next week...
Rosanna Davison |
Where does she get the time and inclination folks? Every twit she twits on Twitter ends up in The Herald. Every face she faces-off with on Facebook makes its way into The Mirror. Now she's a blogger every blog she blogs will wind-up in the....... Sunday Independent. Damn, we really wanted to say "bog" there! What? It would have fit so well!
Wesley Quirke, Rosanna Davison |
But we're not knocking our super diverse Rosie Dee - it takes a lot of commitment, talent, skill, good looks, hard work, more good looks, a tight bod, a sharp brain, great fashion sense, perfect teeth and skin, no body odour, yet even more good looks, and so much more to keep a cutting-edge website up and running... How do we know you say? Ehhh, just a guess really. Ahem. Ahem. Cough. Cough.
Wesley Quirke, Rosanna Davison |
Annnyways, we were outside on the cold street for the launch of Rosanna.ie at Residence last night folks where Rosie Dee herself and boyfriend Wesley Quirke were all smiles and poses for our semi polio inflicted lens man. Typical! These two are normally duckin' and divin' when we point a camera their way... Does this mean Wesanna is back in business? If so - Brillo-pads.
Rosanna Davison |
And of course Rosanna-Dot-IE isn't the only hot Irish model with a blog. Her bezzie buddy Laura Toogood also runs the very well authored 'Tales of The Pink Bike' over at Laura Toogood dot com. We see LT’s just created a new fictitious online character called 'Fanny Le Feck' characterising a certain breed of Dublin model which frequents a fictitious club called 'The Diamond Rose'. Riiiight. We're sure the Dublin social brigade will enjoy figuring-out who are the real people and places behind Laura's not-too-far-into-fantasy world... We already know. Betcha can't guess?
Rosanna Davison |