Irish Gal Caoimhe Guilfoyle in BB11...
What would a decent series of Big Brother be without a totally mad Irish constant folks? Sure there's been Brian Dowling, Ray Shah, Noirin Kelly, Mary the witch, DJ Spiral, Orlaith with the boobies, the lesbian basketballing nun, Seanie from outer space, and probably a few more... Now you can add Caoimhe Guilfoyle to that illustrious list...
Caoimhe Guilfoyle |
22 year old Dubliner Caoimhe Guilfoyle has entered the last ever Big Brother hooose. We don't know much about the stylish girl other than she's a self confessed "fag hag", lives at home with her parents, and does a bit o' DJing when she aint in college. Like who doesn't?
Caoimhe Guilfoyle |
We wish our Caoimhe the best of luck on Big Brother 11 - hopefully she goes on to great things as other Irish BB contestants have, such as... erm... such as... ehhhh... such as... that one... you know the one we are talking about??