The in Crowd Back in Krystle...
It's been a good while since we had a bumper crop of Reality TV types, WAGS, sports stars, models, socialites, and all the rest at Krystle folks. In fact, with the rebirth of Lillies and emergence of Bucks only streets away, we thought the VIP hotspot had seen its best days. But not so. Last weekend the club was packed full of familiar faces...
Robbie Keane, Claudine Palmer |
We fricken love Krystle nightclub. Fact. Where else in this wee city would ya see the likes of Robbie Keane rubbing shoulders with Brian Dowling and Noirin Kelly while his wife Claudine Palmer boogies the night away with her Assets pals? Great stuff altogether.
Robbie Keane, Claudine Palmer |
But it's been a while since the much debated Krystle crew have all been at the club on the one night - we thought for a minute there that the award winning nightspot had long since seen its hay-day.
Brian Dowling, Michelle Finnegan |
But last Saturday night we're happy to say the place to be was once again the place to be... Packed full of the peeps we love to snap.
Noirin Kelly |
Heading up the VIP guestlist was on the move soccer star Robbie Keane with his model wife Claudine Palmer, her brother Ronan, and her mother Joan.
Ronan Palmer & girlfriend |
There were also two former Big Brother stars in da house. Yup. Regulars Brian Dowling and Noirin Kelly were a posin' and a poutin as they entered the club.
Lisa Fitzpatrick |
Other guests included: Lisa Fitzpatrick, Michelle Finnegan, Beatrice Larkin, Romy Carroll, Poonam Bhutoo, Jennifer Kelly, Kirsten Connolly, Byron Kumbula, Kim Fitzgerald, Grace Flood, Fiona McConville, Arlene Hendry, Ciara Rice, Ciara Heaney, Serena Cranney, Angela Rooney, Carmel O'Hare, Rosalind Farleen, Matthew John, Hannah De Vere White, Nikki McNally, and many more...
Jennifer Kelly, Kirsten Connolly, Byron Kumbula, Kim Fitzgerald, Grace Flood |
Great to see the club kicking again folks. Government commentators will no doubt signal this as the barometer by which the end of the dreaded recession will thus be measured. Yay!
Beatrice Larkin |
Romy Carroll, Poonam Bhutoo |
Fiona McConville, Arlene Hendry, Ciara Rice, Ciara Heaney, Serena Cranney, Angela Rooney, Carmel O'Hare, Rosalind Farleen |
Matthew John |
Hannah De Vere White, Nikki McNally |
Noirin Kelly |