Brand Crowd Surfs at 'Greek' Irish Prem...
We've always known comedian-come-movie-star Russell Brand was a little bit rock 'n' roll but even with our years of experience covering red carpet film premieres we'd yet to see the leading man hopping the barrier and crowd-surfing on teenage girls. That was until last night at the 'Get Him To The Greek' Irish Premiere...
Russell Brand |
There are few celebs out there that can upstage Jedward folks, especially when there are hoards of screaming teenage girls around. But somehow Russell Brand managed to be everyone's focus of attention at the Get Him To The Greek Premiere at The Savoy last night.
Russell Brand |
For our Russ was not nearly content merely walking down the red carpet. Hell no. He decided to jump the metal barrier and be consumed by the high-pitched teenage girls vying for his jesus-like attentions. The Beatles haven't got a patch on this fella.
Russell Brand |
After being carried/saved out of the crowd by his burly minder, Russell was then presented with someone's pink panties which he then flung in Xpose presenter Lisa Cannon's general direction!
Russell Brand, Jonah Hill |
Crowd surfing, screaming teenage girls, and knickers being flung about the place... Why can't more Irish movie premieres be this much craic?
Jedward |
Other than Brandmania there was also Jedmania at The Savoy last night as the Jedward twins, John & Edward Grimes. showed-up and did the usual jumping about the place routine.
Michelle Heaton |
Other peeps at the prem included Jonah Hill, Michelle Heaton, Hugh Hanley, Amy Huberman, Holly White, Jennifer Maguire, The Heathers, The Shoos, Nuala Carey, Michael Hayes, and many more...
Amy Huberman |
Get Him To The Greek is at Irish cinemas this weekend so check it out folks. And enjoy the rest of the photos below...
Holly White |
Jennifer Maguire |
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The Heathers (Elli McNamara & Louise McNamara) |
The Shoos |
Nuala Carey |
Guest, Michael Hayes |
Lisa Cannon |
Russell Brand |