Who IS Rosanna's Neigh-Sayer?
Heads-up models of Ireland. The Rosanna wan has gone off on an online rant accusing a certain female contemporary of spreading a bullying campaign of lies and nonsense against her good self. Using her socially networked pages the alleged bullier has been described as "horse faced" and "shoulders R Us". Welcome to the National scandal we're calling 'Neigh Gate'...
Rosanna Davison |
This is tabloid gold folks. Rosanna Davison managed to stay out of the headlines for at least a month but now she's back baby! With manicured claws out and ready for a scrap. But the big question is: who is the focus of her public ire?
Rosanna Davison |
Apparently someone said something to someone else in some nightclub somewhere and now our Rosie Dee wants to kick some arse. Hmmmmm - we don't know what was said to whom nor who was the sayer of these things nor where they were said. But who fricken cares? The former Miss World is peed-off like nobody’s business and is venting like a big venty thing. As Harry Hill would say: fiiiiiiiiiiight!
Rosanna Davison |
Between hitting Elton John's White Ball thingy and flying off to some other fancy French foreign place, The Lady in Purple managed to let off steam on her blog or facebook or twitter or bebo or whatever thing she usually gives-out on. Anyroad, apparently someone's been slagging her off and the dilemma facing the Irish public is: who would DARE say bad things about our lovely Rosie? The downright cheek.
Rosanna Davison |
Already rumours are rife, even Paddy Power is giving odds on the culprit. The likes of Glenda Gilson, Louise Kavanagh, and Pippa O'Connor have already been thrown around in the media as the potential source of Rosanna's annoyance - but no one has a clue. We've no idea who it is - do you?
Rosanna Davison |