Kathryn's Back At Krystle...
She's more of the country man's bit of telly crumpet than our bag to be honest folks. Still, our Kathryn Thomas isn't without her sex appeal. We caught up with the Winning Streak stunner at Krystle last weekend where things have got quite coupley of late...
Kathryn Thomas |
It been a while since we've spotted RTE's finest filly out on the town but seeing as Kathryn Thomas' Winning Streak gig is over for the summer months the glam girl hit Louis Walsh's favourite club last weekend... Yup. That there Krystle's still drawing the in-crowd in.
Kathryn Thomas, Steven Harte |
Our Kathryn was out on the town with pals Steven Harte and Peter Galvin chaperoning - she was looking fab in her flowing frock may we add. The gal's always bang-on the fashion folks...
Dave Murphy & girlfriend Laura Scanlon |
And things seem to have gotten rather lovey-dovey with all the new summer couples hitting the VIP Suite last weekend. First off we had serial modelizer Dave Murphy with his new leading lady Laura Scanlon who, rather predictably, works for Andrea Roche. As a model... Hey, a man's gotta live up to his rep.
Will Matthews and girlfriend Jodie Wood |
And speaking of models, our wee Jodie Wood has only gone and got herself a fella too in the form of Will Matthews. Aww, aint they cute together? We're totally calling them Wildie from now on.
Julie Kavanagh, Judy Kelleher |
Other guests at Krystle last Saturday night included the sensational Keith Barry who treated some punters on the street to some impromptu magic. Gotta love Keitho folks... Otherwise he will brainwash you.
Keith Barry |
Others on the step included: Julie Kavanagh, Judy Kelleher, Kristi Kuudisiim, Roberto Zilys, Anna Godek, Aoife Hall, Riya Patel, Wioletta Barbus, Anna Tchorzewska, Cian Healy, Killian O'Sullivan, and many more...
Kristi Kuudisiim |
Right. The sun finally made an appearance this weekend and brought out the newest happy couples... If only someone would love ShowBiz.ie folks or maybe just hate us a little less... Asking too much? Hell, if Calum Best and Brian McFadden can get away with it...
Roberto Zilys, Anna Godek, Aoife Hall, Riya Patel, Wioletta Barbus, Anna Tchorzewska |
Cian Healy |
Killian O'Sullivan |
Anna Godek |