We're Hooked On Karena...
You can have yizzer Salpas, Purcells, Vogues, Rosannas and the like folks. Give us a Graham any day. Yup. We caught up with our total favourite Irish model Karena Graham this week while she was holding-on to an aeroplane engine dressed in a white nightie... It was something vaguely to do with a Peter Pan motif...
Karena Graham |
Yet again we were perplexed by another rather ambiguous photocall set-up folks. This time we had blonde model Karena Graham garbed in a wee nightie while standing beside a silver aeroplane out a Westin airport. And she wasn't even wearing platform heels, a bikini, and a push-up bra... Confused. Much.
Karena Graham |
Apparently it was all to do with the upcoming world premiere of the brand new 'Peter Pan' musical at the Grand Canal Theatre... Ok, so maybe our Karena was posing as Wendy, but why the big silver aeroplane? Why?? We need to know... Peter Pan could indeed fly but we're pretty sure it wasn't on Ryanair!
Captain Hook & The Lost Boys Sean Wade, James Dunne, Will Robbins |
The Lost Boys were also on the plane folks... Sean Wade, James Dunne, and Will Robbins were there trying to avoid bad old Captain Hook... Ah forget it. We'll never work out the complexities of those darn Irish Photocalls... Someone call Stephen Hawking.
Karena Graham |