Aung San Round Harry's Gaff...
Okay, so the whole Electric Burma concert was a world class show of how to entertain and impress a deserving foreign dignitary. But when all the Aung San Suu Kyi pomp and ceremony died down, it turned into a proper Irish affair. Yup. Bono and Co. legged it around to Harry Crosbie's Docklands gaff for a knees-up before bedtime...
Bono |
We have to say well done to everyone involved in the Electric Burma event. Ireland rolled out the red carpet for Aung San Suu Kyi and the 200 or so Burmese people who live here - respect was paid to a courageous woman and outstanding humanitarian. And stone the crows, even Sinead O'Connor managed to grab a bit of newspaper attention out of the gig despite not turning up.
Bono |
But with the likes of Bono, Bob Geldof, Damien Rice, Liam O'Maonlai, Eleanor McEvoy, and few more around there was plenty of talent down at The Grand Canal Theatre keeping Aung San and the punters entertained... Aung even got the Freedom of Dublin, so her sheep now can now graze in The Green with Bono's. Nice.
Bob Geldof & Jeanne Marine |
But seeing as this was an Irish hoolie, when the red carpets were rolled-up none of the big names headed straight home to their beds. Nope. All the Amnesty types made a beeline for Harry Crosbie's gaff in the Docklands for a wee tipple or two... Proper order too.
Damien Rice |
Among those at Harry's included: Bono, Paul McGuinness, his wife Kathy Gilfinnan, and son Max McGuinness, Damien Rice, Bob Geldof & Jeanne Marine, Vanessa Richardson & daughter Jolie Richardson, Neil Jordan, Brenda Rawn, Roger Moore, Kiki Tholstrup, Marian Finucane, and a few more... Sadly, we don't think our Sinead was asked back. Awww...
Paul McGuinness, wife Kathy Gilfinnan, son Max McGuinness |
So there you have it folks, after many a decade of house arrest and wotnot Aung San Suu Kyi now has a Nobel Peace Prize to go with her Freedom of Dublin Cert. As a free woman of Dublin she is now allowed to request that Damien Rice not wear the fashions from the 70s... Ah Damo, at least he's smiling this time.
Vanessa Richardson & daughter Jolie Richardson |
Neil Jordan, Brenda Rawn |
Roger Moore, Kiki Tholstrup |
Marian Finucane |
Bono |