Lou Shows Off Her Gypsy Pose...
Yes folks, she went off to that London to become a Playboy bunny and all that but she's home now, and boy did we miss her. We're talking about bustilicious babe Louise Kavanagh and this is how she showed-up for work at The Gypsy Rose yesterday. Like a boss...
Louise Kavanagh |
Our lovely Louise Kavanagh was one of the regular faces you'd see on these here hallowed pages around the tail-end of the Celtic Tiger era. We're calling that gilded spell, our Krystle period... Yup. We were down Harcourt Street way rubbing shoulder pads with the best and worst of 'em.
Louise Kavanagh |
But those halcyon days have long since passed and many of the ShowBiz.ie stalwarts have been cast to the four winds. But folks, there are permanent yellow ribbons tied around this site so we're always there with open arms when they come back. And come back, they surely do...
Louise Kavanagh |
Yesterday saw one of our all time fav models Louise Kavanagh back doing what she does best. And by that we mean, wearing a wee bikini while provocatively sitting on a Harley... Yup. She basically rocked-up Aston Quay way to The Gypsy Rose in her Sunday best... How there wasn't a pile-up on the quays we don't know... Where does she keep her keys and change?
Louise Kavanagh |
But no tut-tutting dear reader... Our Lou risked life-and-limb climbing ladders to mount wall-mounted motor cycles for our wee photocall... But all in the name of charity for she was promoting the 'Olagola.com shines the rock 'n' roll stage lights on Suicide Awareness & Prevention' charity event at The Gypsy Rose on the 21st of June (doors 8pm)... We can dig that.
Louise Kavanagh |
So there it is folks. One more of our fairer flock has returned home and is doing good deeds in her unmentionables. Like, all we need is The Vogue and The Salpa back rocking the Dublin photocall scene and all will be good with the world... Stop. We're welling up here. Sniff. What? We miss 'em.
Louise Kavanagh |
Louise Kavanagh |
Louise Kavanagh |
Louise Kavanagh |
Louise Kavanagh |