Salonites Do The Housewives...
The gang of producers behind such shows as Fade Street, Dublin Housewives, and Celebrity Salon aren't so much handpicking contestants for their new breed of surreality shows folks, more building-up an extended and slightly dysfunctional family. Yup. Those Straywave cats brought the warring Housewives out to be styled by the Celeb Salonites at Hairspray yesterday...
Glenda Gilson, Greg Lake, Nadia Forde |
We've been keeping a quare aul eye on the goings-on going-on between the latest batch of Celebrity Salon contestants. With the likes of Glenda Gilson, Layla Flaherty, Nadia Forde, Nikki Grahame, and Carol Anthony thrown together we were expecting claws. Sadly, ner a spat nor even a cross word has been detected. It's a feckin' celebrity love-in folks... Somebody had better have a shag.
Greg Lake, Glenda Gilson, Philip Olivier |
Now, we don't wanna tell the slick Straywave crew how to build telly show or anything, but cast yer mind back to the recent Dublin Housewives on TV3... Interest in the show only really peaked after the Danielle Meagher and Virginia Macari scrap kicked-off... Come on Salonites, tear bleedin' strips off each other!
Glenda Gilson, mother Aileen Gilson, Philip Olivier |
Yesterday we caught-up with The Glenda & Co. down Henry Street way as they crewed the Hairspray store and did-up each other's lovely mammys. Yup, The Glenda's mammy Aileen and Layla's mammy Theresa go their hairs done and stuff... Even Nadia Forde's granny got glammed-up...
Nikki Grahame |
Sadly, Miss Temper Tantrum herself Nikki Grahame wasn't attaching too many extensions at Hairspray as we hear rumours that she fractured her arm after apparently slipping on Glenda's fake tan puddle... Ouchie! The amount of times our poor snappers have slipped on Glenda's fake tan puddles aint even funny... The amount of times!
Greg Lake, Nadia Forde |
And the mammys and the grannys weren't the only ones who got the Hairspay treatment yesterday folks. The Dublin Housewives Roz Flanagan, Virginia Macari, and Jo Jordan also made a wee cameo on Henry Street... Mild mannered Danielle Meagher (yeah right!) also showed-up separately and got done by Julian Simmons... Oooo matron.
Roz Flanagan & daughters Monique & Vicky Flanagan, Virginia Macari, Jo Jordan |
So there you have it folks - celebrities, mammys, grannys, housewives, and hairsprays all in one feature. And we haven't even mentioned Greg Lake and Nadia Forde building the inevitable 'Gradia' brand... Like, where would ye get it?
Julian Simmons & Danielle Meagher |
Philip Olivier |
Virginia Macari |
Philip Olivier, Jo Jordan |
Glenda Gilson's mother Aileen, Nadia Forde's Grandmother, Layla Flaherty's mother Theresa |
Layla Flaherty, mother Theresa Flaherty |
Carol Anthony |
Glenda Gilson, Greg Lake, Nadia Forde |