Preggers Celebrity Hitch Hiker Award: Sybil Mulcahy...
True Celebrity Hitch Hiking is an art form in the purest sense folks. It's a delicate thing, a fragile thing. Even dare to whisper its name, and it's gone – Poof. But we dare, oh yes. And on those rarest of occasions when we witness it, we scream "Hosanna in a Hiace" and genuflect like the Bejaysus... Sybil Mulcahy you are a pregnant-princess among TV presenters, when you CHH'd Elle Macphearson we saw divinity. Nay, we saw the truth. Witness...
Elle Macpherson, Sybil Mulcahy |
OK. This is a big one. Another bloody level - Celebrity Hitch Hiking gone maternal people. Just look at these beautiful pictures. Elle 'can I see your photos' Macphearson didn't stand a chance despite her 174 years experience as the world's top Supermodel. Refuse a Hitch Hike to a pregnant Irish woman probably all hormonal? Are you off yer feckin' rocker??
Elle Macpherson, Sybil Mulcahy |
Ever since Lorraine Keane won ShowBiz Ireland's coveted C.H.H. award last week for her Bo Derek kidnap at the IFTA Awards, the rest of the Xpose gals want one too. With what looks like 4 sets of quadruplets baking in-the-oven and Glenda Gilson breathing down her neck, Sybil Mulcahy wants prestige before the aul waters break and hoards of screaming weens come flooding out to take over her world.
Elle Macpherson |
Sybil Mulcahy, for your valiant work on lanky Supermodel Elle 'eh, body?' Macphearson we grant you the 2008 Preggers Celebrity Hitch Hiker Award. Wear it with pride Lady. You ledge. Although when you are on maternity we will miss you saying: "Fashionista", "Glitterati" and "WHO are you wearing?" 19 times per episode of Xpose. Stop. We're filling up here.
Elle Macpherson |
P.S. Mulcahy, you even left poor Elle looking down at her flat Belly in envy of your sexy bump which we reckon is at least 6 times bigger than the Hill of Tara. The High Kings of Ireland, yes The Ard Ri, salute you. Save Tara and all that lark...